
Train Dispatcher 3.5 Install Password
Train Dispatcher 3.5 Install Password

This was also true when copying over to machines running Windows 7 64-bit operating systems. When I've upgraded PC's or laptops in the past, all I've needed to do to move my TD3.5 files across is to just copy the whole folder from one PC/laptop to another without any issues. This leaves teh disaptcher free to answer the phone and radio and to persue a dispatcher's favorite passtime, drinking coffee.A request for help please, if I may, to any of you running Windows 10 operating systems. From what I have been told, once a train appears on the territory, the computer lines all switches and makes all meets for the dispatcher. If you want some real fun, CSX now has Nex Gen dispatching which should make from a great simulator. In reality, inspectors piss and moan until you give them track and when you tell them they got 20 minutes, they think they have an hour. In TD3, track inspectors politely ask for track time and give it up exactly when you tell them to. In reality, dispatchers are always talking with yardmasters about when and where to put the incoming trains.

Train Dispatcher 3.5 Install Password

In TD3, you know exactly where the train is going as soon as it enters your territory.

Train Dispatcher 3.5 Install Password

This frees up dispatchers and allows them to work WAY in advance. Say you have a train meet at signal A, you can stack signal A to reverse the switch and line the signal in the oppistie direction once the first train has cleared. Stacking commands allows you to give a signal several different commands at once. IIRC, TD3 lets you fleet signals but, not "stack" commands. In TD3 all the trains are in the computer and pop up on the screen exactly on time, in reality the dispatcher has to input the information on his trainsheet screen and sometimes has to even put the train symbol onto the train when it first pops onto the screen. In reality, if you are setting up a sim, you might want to have all the different break downs occur in 24 hours as this is about typical, or at least it gives your user something to do besides just run trains.Īs a train dispatcher (although not for NS or CSX) I can say that TD3 gives you the feel of running trains but, not everything a train dispatcher goes through in a typical day.

Train Dispatcher 3.5 Install Password

Nothing ever fails during NS operations, if it does, you are fired.

Train Dispatcher 3.5 Install Password