Kruti Dev 011 font download does not require registration but is available under GNU GPL (General Public License). You can also contact them if you want to take help with using this amazing font or need any kind of assistance at all, they'll surely help you out like always. The official website of Kruti Dev is where you can find more details about the release of this latest version. To install Krutidev Font you just need to download the kruti dev font which is in. Most designers around the world started using this font so you may have heard about it already.

Kruti Dev 011 can be downloaded for free and used in commercial purposes as well. Some of the most popular languages that use this script include Hindi, Sanskrit, Marathi and Nepali though ofcourse there are other languages too. Free fonts often have not all characters and signs, and have no kerning pairs (Avenue A venue, Tea T ea). Please note: If you want to create professional printout, you should consider a commercial font. Kruti Dev 011 free version also supports half forms of characters that means some new glyphs are added which weren't present earlier, making it look even more beautiful. 17 Professional Kruti Dev Hindi 011 Fonts to Download. It's a classic Indian heritage typeface so there's no harm in learning something new here.

Most of us have been using this from our childhood, but design-wise it has great potential and can be used for good looking texts. You can find this in the regular style in the Devanagari script which is used in many languages of India. Kruti Dev 011 Regular font is a free to download modern day font.